

  1. DDAnet.png
    Deep Domain Adversarial Adaptation for Photon-Efficient Imaging
    Yiwei Chen, Gongxin Yao, Yong Liu, Hongye Su, Xiaomin Hu, and Yu Pan
    Physical Review Applied, 2022
  2. Dynamic.png
    Dynamic single-photon 3D imaging with a sparsity-based neural network
    Gongxin Yao, Yiwei Chen, Chen Jiang, Yixin Xuan, Xiaomin Hu, Yong Liu, and Yu Pan
    Optics Express, 2022
  3. ResTT.png
    Residual Tensor Train: A Quantum-inspired Approach for Learning Multiple Multilinear Correlations
    Yiwei Chen, Yu Pan, and Daoyi Dong
    IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2022
  4. PRSnet.png
    Robust photon-efficient imaging using a pixel-wise residual shrinkage network
    Gongxin Yao*, Yiwei Chen*, Yong Liu, Xiaomin Hu, and Yu Pan
    Optics Express, 2022


  1. QLMEE.png
    Quantum language model with entanglement embedding for question answering
    Yiwei Chen, Yu Pan, and Daoyi Dong
    IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021
  2. ED.png
    Detecting quantum entanglement with unsupervised learning
    Yiwei Chen, Yu Pan, Guofeng Zhang, and Shuming Cheng
    Quantum Science and Technology, 2021


  1. Efficient asynchronous vertical federated learning via gradient prediction and double-end sparse compression
    Ming Li, Yiwei Chen, Yiqin Wang, and Yu Pan
    In 2020 16th international conference on control, automation, robotics and vision (ICARCV), 2020


  1. Robust supervised learning based on tensor network method
    YW Chen, K Guo, and Y Pan
    In 2018 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC), 2018